Navigating Sabbath Observance: Understanding Exceptions in Military and Beyond

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The Primacy of Life and Duty In Jewish law, the sanctity of the Sabbath is a cornerstone of faith, a day dedicated to rest and spiritual reflection. However, the practical and ethical framework of Judaism also provides for circumstances where Sabbath observance must yield to higher imperatives, such as saving lives and maintaining safety. This…

The Sabbath: A Sign of Our Covenant with Yehovah

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In the rhythm of our weekly lives, the Sabbath holds a profound place for those walking in the path of Yeshua and adhering to the teachings of the Torah. Observing the Sabbath on the appointed day, from Friday evening to Saturday evening, is not merely a matter of tradition but a deep expression of our…

Exiting Mormonism and Coming back to the Faith

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Leaving the LDS church was one of the hardest things I’ve done. Knowing that all I had learned and had been taught was so muddled. Now with my wife also out of the church we had only three choices. The first one was to just say good-bye to religion all together, or the join one…

Hebrew Roots Movement

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The practices of the Hebrew Roots Movement can vary among different communities and individuals. However, there are some common practices that are often observed by followers of the movement. Here are a few examples: Many Christians today think the old testament and the law was done away with. Jesus frequently quoted from the Old Testament…