Chapter 13: The Divided Kingdom and the Prophets

The Division of Israel

After the reign of Solomon, the united kingdom of Israel divided into two separate entities. The northern kingdom, known as Israel, consisted of ten tribes, while the southern kingdom, called Judah, encompassed the remaining two tribes. This division occurred due to the idolatrous practices and disobedience to Yehovah’s commands that plagued the nation.

The northern kingdom of Israel quickly fell into a pattern of wickedness, with a succession of kings who led the people further away from Yehovah. They erected idols, established false worship centers, and rejected the true worship of Yehovah. Meanwhile, the southern kingdom of Judah experienced periods of both faithfulness and unfaithfulness to Yehovah, with some kings following the ways of their ancestors and others seeking to restore proper worship.

Prophets and their Messages

In the midst of this turbulent period, Yehovah sent prophets to deliver His messages of warning, rebuke, and hope. These prophets were appointed by Yehovah to guide and correct His people, calling them to repentance and reminding them of their covenant relationship with Him.

Prophets like Elijah, Elisha, Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and others proclaimed Yehovah’s words to the Israelites. They confronted the kings, priests, and people with their sins, urged them to turn back to Yehovah, and foretold the consequences of their actions if they failed to do so.

The prophets’ messages varied in content but often emphasized the importance of true worship, justice, righteousness, and mercy. They warned against idolatry, social injustice, and reliance on foreign powers instead of Yehovah. They also prophesied about the coming judgment, exile, and the eventual restoration and redemption of Yehovah’s people.

The prophets’ words served as a call to repentance and a reminder of Yehovah’s faithfulness, even in the face of disobedience. Their messages echoed the covenant relationship between Yehovah and His people, and they held the promise of future hope and restoration.