Hebrew Alphabet

Hebrew alphabet with the English sounds for each letter:
א (Aleph) – Silent letter
בּ (Bet) – Pronounced like “b” in “baby”
גּ (Gimel) – Pronounced like “g” in “go”
דּ (Dalet) – Pronounced like “d” in “dog”
ה (Hey) – Pronounced like “h” in “hello”
ו (Vav) – Pronounced like “v” in “very” or “w” in “wonder”
ז (Zayin) – Pronounced like “z” in “zoo”
ח (Het) – Pronounced like the “ch” in “Bach” (a throaty, guttural sound)
ט (Tet) – Pronounced like “t” in “top”
י (Yod) – Pronounced like “y” in “yes”
כּ (Kaf) – Pronounced like “k” in “kite”
ל (Lamed) – Pronounced like “l” in “love”
מ (Mem) – Pronounced like “m” in “mother”
נ (Nun) – Pronounced like “n” in “nice”
ס (Samech) – Pronounced like “s” in “sun”
ע (Ayin) – Pronounced like the “ayin” in “Bach” (a throaty, guttural sound)
פּ (Pe) – Pronounced like “p” in “pan”
צ (Tzadi) – Pronounced like “ts” in “cats”
ק (Kuf) – Pronounced like “k” in “kite”
ר (Resh) – Pronounced like “r” in “red”
שׁ (Shin) – Pronounced like “sh” in “shoe”
שׂ (Sin) – Pronounced like “s” in “sun”
תּ (Tav) – Pronounced like “t” in “top”