Holiness is a word that may sound intimidating or even irrelevant to many Christians today.

However, the Bible teaches us that holiness is not only a divine attribute of God, but also a calling and a goal for His people. In this blog post, we will explore what holiness means, why it matters, and how we can pursue it in our daily lives.
What is holiness? Holiness means to be set apart from sin and dedicated to God. It implies purity, righteousness, and moral excellence. Holiness is not something that we can achieve by ourselves, but it is a gift of God’s grace and a work of His Spirit in us. Holiness is not a static state, but a dynamic process of growth and transformation.
Why does holiness matter? Holiness matters because it reflects God’s character and will for us. God is holy, and He commands us to be holy as He is holy (Leviticus 19:2; 1 Peter 1:15-16). Holiness is not an optional or arbitrary requirement, but a necessary and logical consequence of our relationship with God. Holiness is also essential for our fellowship with God and with one another. Without holiness, we cannot see God or enjoy His presence (Hebrews 12:14). Without holiness, we cannot love God or our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 22:37-40).
How can we pursue holiness? Holiness is not a matter of following rules or rituals, but of cultivating a heart that loves God and hates sin. Holiness is not a burden or a bondage, but a blessing and a freedom. Holiness is not a destination or a perfection, but a direction and a progression. To pursue holiness, we need to:
- Abide in Christ: He is our source and our example of holiness. By faith, we are united with Him and share in His righteousness. By His word, we are cleansed and sanctified. By His Spirit, we are empowered and guided. By His grace, we are forgiven and restored.
- Obey God’s commands: They are not arbitrary or oppressive, but wise and beneficial. They reveal God’s character and will for us. They protect us from harm and promote our well-being. They challenge us to grow and conform to Christ’s image.
- Resist temptation: It is inevitable and common, but not irresistible or fatal. It appeals to our fleshly desires and deceives us with lies. It leads to sin and death. We can overcome temptation by relying on God’s promises and power, by fleeing from evil and pursuing good, by being alert and prayerful.
- Repent of sin: It is inevitable and serious, but not unforgivable or hopeless. It grieves God and damages us. It hinders our fellowship with God and with one another. We can repent of sin by confessing it to God and to others, by turning away from it and forsaking it, by seeking forgiveness and restoration.
Holiness is not an easy or popular topic in our culture today, but it is a vital and relevant one for every Christian. Holiness is not only a duty or a demand, but also a privilege and a delight. Holiness is not only for some or for later, but for all and for now. Let us pursue holiness with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, for the glory of God and the good of His people.