Who Holds the Authority of Yehovah’s Church Today? Exploring Scriptural and Historical Perspectives

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The question of divine authority within Yehovah’s (God’s) community—often referred to as the church in a Christian context—touches deeply on historical, scriptural, and theological dimensions. This exploration seeks to understand how different faith traditions view the concept of spiritual authority, especially focusing on the transition from Judaism to Christianity, and the unique perspective of the Hebrew Roots movement.

Scriptural Foundations

Judaism: In Judaism, authority is primarily derived from the Torah (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy) and the subsequent rabbinic interpretations found in the Talmud. The Torah serves as the foundational covenant between Yehovah and the Israelites, with Moses as the central prophet through whom Yehovah delivered His law (Exodus 20; Deuteronomy 5). Rabbinic tradition, encapsulated in the Talmud, extends this authority through detailed discussions and rulings on Jewish law and practice.

Christianity: Christianity introduces the concept of a “New Covenant,” prophesied in Jeremiah 31:31-34 and manifested through the life, death, and resurrection of Yeshua (Jesus Christ). This New Covenant is seen as fulfilling and expanding upon the covenants found in the Hebrew Scriptures. Yeshua’s commission to His disciples in Matthew 28:18-20 (“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me…”) and the establishment of Peter’s role in Matthew 16:18-19 are pivotal New Testament passages underscoring the transition of divine authority to Yeshua and His apostles.

Hebrew Roots Movement: This movement emphasizes a return to the original teachings and practices of Yeshua and the apostles, viewing authority as rooted directly in Scripture. Both the Torah and the New Testament are seen as integral, with Acts 15 and Romans 11 often cited to highlight the inclusion of Gentiles into the faith without abandoning the Torah’s teachings.

Historical Perspectives

From Judaism to Christianity: The early Christian church emerged within a Jewish context, with its first members, including Yeshua and His apostles, being Jewish. The Acts of the Apostles describes the spread of Christianity from Jerusalem to the Gentile world, highlighting the council in Jerusalem (Acts 15) as a pivotal moment where the apostles debated the requirements for Gentile believers, deciding against imposing the full yoke of the Torah on them.

Apostolic Authority: The concept of apostolic succession—wherein the authority given by Yeshua to His apostles is passed down through generations—is central to Catholic and Orthodox Christianities. This tradition is seen as ensuring the continuity of divine authority within the church, through the laying on of hands in ordination.

Protestant Reformation: Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses (1517) challenged the Catholic Church’s claim to apostolic authority, particularly criticizing the abuse of power and the sale of indulgences. The Reformation emphasized the authority of Scripture over church tradition, leading to diverse interpretations of who holds authority within the Christian community.

Hebrew Roots Return: The Hebrew Roots movement represents a modern endeavor to reconnect Christian faith with its Jewish roots, advocating for a closer adherence to the teachings and practices of the early church as described in the New Testament and understood within a first-century Jewish context. This perspective often challenges traditional Christian views on law and grace, arguing for the continued relevance of the Torah for believers.


The question of who holds the authority of Yehovah’s church today invites believers into a deep engagement with both Scripture and history. From the Jewish emphasis on the Torah and rabbinic tradition, through the Christian development of apostolic authority and the Reformation’s scriptural rediscovery, to the Hebrew Roots movement’s call for a return to early practices, each perspective offers a unique view on how divine guidance is mediated among Yehovah’s people. As believers explore these traditions, they engage with a rich tapestry of faith that challenges and deepens their understanding of divine authority.