Exiting Mormonism and Coming back to the Faith

By admin

Leaving the LDS church was one of the hardest things I’ve done. Knowing that all I had learned and had been taught was so muddled. Now with my wife also out of the church we had only three choices. The first one was to just say good-bye to religion all together, or the join one of the thousands of Christian religions or to do what Jesus said to do, “Follow me”.

After all the study and prayers that brought us out of Mormonism, along with all the emotional baggage I was beat. I took a short break then got back to work. We ,my wife and I needed a new direction, a new start. We sold our home to get away from all memories of who we once were and started over fresh. I still very much believed in God and Jesus so I decided to start at the beginning again.

I re-read the Old Testament. Then Re-read the new testament. I took note of the Feasts of God. I also saw that Christ took special care that he observed the feasts. I looked at the way he observed the Sabbath and High Holy Sabbaths. We at this point decided to do the same but had no idea how to start.

We the found Rebecka from Tashuva Ministries. We also found Spirit and Truth who taught on The 7 Feasts of Israel. Things finally started clicking. Christ was Jewish following the commands of his father. He didn’t add to the scriptures, he taught only from the Torah and the other books of the Old testament and totally hated the false teachings coming for the Priests at his time.

We then found, A Rood Awakening. His The Chronological Gospels, really started us on our journey. These are just some of the things we learned :

There is a growing spiritual phenomenon among Christians worldwide, characterized by a return to the faith, beliefs, and Scriptural understanding of the first century as taught by Jesus (Yashua), the Early Church, and the Apostles. Rather than being a church or denomination, Hebrew Roots is a mindset focused on imitating Jesus as closely as possible, as stated in 1 John 2:6 and Luke 6:40.

Those who adhere to Hebrew Roots principles are often called “Whole Bible Believers” because they prioritize the obedience to and teaching of the entire Word of God, encompassing both the Old and New Testaments. They seek to follow the foundational beliefs of the first century faith, which require all disciples of Jesus to live according to the Old Testament laws and commandments of God.

The Apostle John affirmed in 1 John 3:4 that sin is a violation of God’s laws and commandments, while in 1 John 5:3, he emphasized that loving God means obeying His commandments, which are not burdensome, as noted in Psalm 1:1-2, Psalm 40:8, Psalm 119:174, and Romans 7:22. The Hebrew Roots perspective stresses that obeying God’s commands is simple enough for children to understand and follow.

Whenever God or Jesus commands something in the Bible, we should obey without excuse because we love and trust Him and want to please Him. God desires a right relationship with everyone, including young children.

It is important to note that Hebrew Roots does not include traditional Christianity, Messianic Judaism, teachings from Judaism (Pharisee-ism), the Talmud (Oral Law), Kabbalah (Mystic Judaism), anti-Apostle Paul teachings, British Israel-ism, the Black Hebrew Israelite Movement.

We are still learning so much. we feel like we are so far behind because we were caught up in a organization that overlooked many of the teachings of God and made up many of there own.

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